Tash on Facebook

Well, have finally done it. I am now on Facebook, and have spent a while filling it in. For those wot wanna know, I’m now also at:


Originally, I signed up so I could view yet another anti-travellers [say no to travellers here etc] type site. Bastards had nicked one of my pictures. I contacted Facebook and issued a take-down notice. unless your a member, you can’t view their page.

Anyway, it sat there on the ‘back-burner’ for a while now, and more people kept finding it and lately i discovered 200 folks waiting for joining !! Anyway, apologies to all and have been approving them over the weekend. Adding content and links. And . it appears the large job of integrating it all with flickr wordpress, vox, lockr, youtube, twitter and more…..

So, am sort of open now 🙂 Drop by and join if you want.

I was prompted into action here by my son, Sam. Well you gotta keep up with the young’ans …. innit.

Since i started with this issue, we have just started a Facebook group:

Say no to racist groups

Please join that as well.

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