Under the Rainbow

Documents and Artefacts From Five Decades of LGBTQ+ Struggle and Liberation

An Exhibition at Broadway Cinema

Open from 7.00pm tonight : chance to see the extra material, add to the photos, that I’d like to see for Green Festival show there

Broadway Cinema @BroadwayCinema
We’ll be sharing the work of @tashuk
from today in our Broadway Gallery as part of Under the Rainbow an exhibition hosted by SparrowsNestLib
displaying a time capsule of resistance
The photographs will compliment a rich collection of LGBTQ+ materials from independent media🌈


picture of the walls installation here : https://tinyurl.com/2bs3g244

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Facebook Pix : Mission to Porto, Portugal


Made a presentation at the KISMIF Conference about my photography, travellers, festivals etc, University of Porto, Portugal
More about it all here – https://alanlodge.co.uk/blog/archives/24354

. but then spent a few days as a tourist, gadding about in Porto. Here are a few piccys.

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Facebook Pix : ‘Under the Rainbow’ , Broadway Gallery

‘Under the Rainbow’ , Broadway Gallery.
An Exhibition as part of Pride Week in Nottingham
Open at 7pm on Thursday 25 July 2024


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Porto Panorama

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The KISMIF Conference [Keep it Simple, Make it fast]. University of Porto, Portugal


The KISMIF Conference (2014-) is an international academic/cultural/artistic event based in Porto (Portugal) focused on the discussion and sharing of information around underground cultures , DIY practices, urban arts and related themes. KISMIF focuses on cultural practices that are used to counter more massive and uniformized forms of cultural production/creation/mediation, activating an anti-hegemonic ethos centered around an aesthetics and politics of the â€œ arts of making â€ of everyday life.

KISMIF is , to date, the only conference that examines the theory and practice of underground scenes and DIY cultures as increasingly significant cultural forms in the global context of precarity and uncertainty.

The KISMIF Conference has a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary approach , and is open to contributions from the global community of researchers, artists and activists working in all aspects of the underground and DIY cultures, and is based on a pluralistic methodological approach . The aim is to discuss not only music, but other artistic fields such as film and video, graffiti and street art, theatre and performing arts, literature and poetry, radio, artistic programming and publishing, graphic design, drawing, architecture, or even cartoons and comics.

The first edition of the KISMIF Conference was held in 2014 and focused on â€œ Underground Music Scenes and DIY Cultures â€. The second edition (2015) was dedicated to the theme â€œ Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes â€. The third edition (2016) promoted a discussion around â€œ DIY Cultures, Spaces and Places â€. The fourth edition took place in 2018 and focused on the theme â€œ Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures â€. The fifth edition took place in 2021 and focused on the theme of â€œDIY Cultures and Global Challenges”. The sixth edition (2022) focused on the theme of â€œDIY Cultures, Sustainability and Artistic Ecosystems”. The seventh edition, which will take place in 2024, will focus on the theme of â€œDIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation”. Every edition of the KISMIF Conference offers an advanced Summer School/Seminar, in which participants can discuss/analyze in greater depth specific issues around these themes. 

Each edition of the KISMIF Conference, in addition to its scientific programme, consists of a diverse social and cultural programme , consisting of a set of artistic events, with a particular focus on underground music and its artistic expressions . The aim is to provide all participants with a unique sensory and scientific experience at the level of global DIY cultures.

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Friday Night Bar at Casa Da MĂșsica, Porto

Samsung S24 Ultra – 4K Video 3840 x2160

#porto #musica #music #travel #casa #casadamusica #portugal #S24Ultra #4K

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Casa Da Musica – TikTok Video short

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Prof George McKay : Bumped into the wonderful documentary photographer

Bumped into the wonderful documentary photographer of the UK counterculture 1970s-90s @tashuk @KISMIFpunk last night. I’d love to see a hi-quality photography book of his unique body of work across decades from free festivals & parties, new travellers, punks ravers & squatters

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Plenary Lecture : “Photographing and Documenting Counter-Cultural Culture” Uni of Porto

10th JULY || 11h45 — 12h30: PLENARY LECTURE
📍 Room 2, Casa da MĂșsica, Porto

Alan Lodge
“Photographing and Documenting Counter-Cultural Culture”

Alan Lodge, Documentary Photographer, Photo-Journalist and Storyteller, United Kingdom
Chair: Andy Bennett, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia

kismif #conference #photography #culture #photojournalism

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I am invited to be a keynote speaker at the conference in July, University of Porto, Portugal

I am invited to be a keynote speaker at the conference in July
University of Porto, Portugal
Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto ‱ Via Panorñmica, Portugal

In terms of topic, an account of your work photographing protest events and similar gatherings in the UK would be great. There will be audio-visual equipment for you to use on the day.

Professor Andy Bennett
School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science
Gold Coast Campus
Griffith University

Thus, have prepared this presentation of photographs >>

00:00 Festivals & Travellers, B&W
07:29 Stonehenge
10:20 Beanfield & Policing
14:50 Festivals, Colour
18:09 Free Party / Rave
30:08 CJA Protests
34:11 Reclaim the Streets RTS
41:32 Surveillance
45:00 Finish


KISMIF Conference is an international academic/cultural/artistic event based in the city of Porto (Portugal) and focused on discussing and sharing information about underground cultures, DIY practices, urban arts and other related topics. KISMIF focuses on cultural practices that are used to face more massive and uniform forms of cultural production/creation/mediation, by activating an anti-hegemonic ethos centered around the aesthetics and policies of the daily ‘arts of doing’.

KISMIF is, so far, the only congress in the world that analyzes the theory and practice of underground scenes and DIY cultures as increasingly significant cultural forms in a global context of precariousness and uncertainty.

The KISMIF Conference has a multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary perspective, open for contributions from the global community of researchers, artists and activists who work on all aspects of underground scenes and DIY cultures and conduct their research within a plural methodological approach. The objective is to debate not only about music, but also other artistic fields such as cinema and video, graffiti and urban art, theater and performing arts, literature and poetry, radio, programming and publishing, graphic design, drawing, architecture, or even cartoons and comics.

The first edition of the KISMIF Conference was held in 2014 and focused on ‘Underground Music Scenes and DIY Cultures’. The second edition (2015) was dedicated to the theme ‘Crossing Borders of Underground Music Scenes’. The third edition (2016) promoted a discussion about ‘DIY Cultures, Spaces and Places’. The fourth edition took place in 2018 and was focused on ‘Gender, differences, identities and DIY cultures’. The fifith edition that took place in 2021 focused on the theme of ‘DIY Cultures and Global Challenges’. The sixth edition happened in 2022 and it was about ‘DIY Cultures, Sustainability and Artistic Ecosystems‘.

The next edition will occur in 2024 and it will be focused on ” DIY Cultures, Democracy and Creative Participation’. All editions of the KISMIF Conference also offer a summer school / advanced seminar, where participants can discuss/analyze in more depth some specific issues around these themes.

Each edition of the KISMIF Conference, in addition to its scientific program, also consists of a diverse social and cultural program formed by a set of artistic events, with a focus on underground music and its artistic expressions. It is intended, therefore, to provide all participants with a unique sensory and scientific experience in terms of global DIY cultures.



Alan Lodge is a freelance photographer with interests in the press, social concerns, youth and multicultural subjects, and ‘alternative’ lifestyles. His photo library includes 40+ years of editorial and commercial photography of events, social and environmental issues.

A photographer who deals with aspects of “alternative” lifestyles and subcultures. Photographing many free and commercial events, “free party” (‘rave culture’), travelers, environmental protest, land rights with surrounding social concerns. Aims to present a more positive view of people and communities that are often misrepresented.

Unlike so many press photographers looking for a dramatic story; he wants to give a more insightful view that only people who have been accepted into a community can truly achieve. Such events often involve police operations.

He has provided images to illustrate articles for publications such as the Guardian, Independent, iD Magazine, etc., and has contributed to a number of TV projects with the BBC and Channel4.

Member of the National Union of Journalists, he is a documentary photographer, photojournalist and ‘storyteller’.

Lecture Title:

Photographing and Documenting Counter-Cultural Culture




The event, where I’ll present, will be at the Casa Da Musica, Porto, Portugal

📆 10th JULY || 11h45 — 12h30: PLENARY LECTURE
📍 Room 2, Casa da MĂșsica, Porto

Alan Lodge
“Photographing and Documenting Counter-Cultural Culture”

Alan Lodge, Documentary Photographer, Photo-Journalist and Storyteller, United Kingdom
Chair: Andy Bennett, School of Humanities, Languages and Social Science, Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research, Griffith University, Australia

kismif #conference #photography #culture #photojournalism

Prof George McKay
Bumped into the wonderful documentary photographer of the UK counterculture 1970s-90s @tashuk @KISMIFpunk last night. I’d love to see a hi-quality photography book of his unique body of work across decades from free festivals & parties, new travellers, punks ravers & squatters


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Presentation Prepared for Conference at the University of Porto

more info on my blog at https://alanlodge.co.uk/blog/archives/7479

00:00 Festivals & Travellers, B&W
07:29 Stonehenge
10:20 Beanfield & Policing
14:50 Festivals, Colour
18:09 Free Party / Rave
30:08 CJA Protests
34:11 Reclaim the Streets RTS
41:32 Surveillance
45:00 Finish

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Casa Da Musica, auditorium 360deg


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Me in police negotiation mode at Longstock

Me in police negotiation mode at Longstock, Hampshire. Starts at 12:00 mins.

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We are in revolt against Victorian values.

We are in revolt against Norman overlords.

We are in revolt against Roman culture.

We are in revolt against all the anally-retentive,

repressive, patriarchal, hierarchical bullshit that is passed off by our rulers as the culture of our country and as the natural human way of life.

We insist on our right to celebrate the amazing beauty of life on this planet in a way that feels right to us.

We insist on our right to freely and fully feel and express our emotions and our spiritual selves.

We insist on our right to gather together, to celebrate, to show our love, to be unashamed of our beautiful bodies, to make music and dance, to live according to the directions of our hearts, to live in freedom and joy.

We reject the notion that we should all direct all our energies according to someone else’s will in return for the crumbs off their table.

We reject the ridiculous idea that only by doing this will we be worthy and valuable members of society.

We reject completely the claims of the thieves and murderers, and descendants of thieves and murderers, who say they own this land and that they have the right to control its use and our access to it, and even to abuse and destroy it if they so wish.

We reject without exception the arrogant philosophies of so-called “economists” who believe that we should base the running of our society around the production and exchange of useless rubbish, and that it matters not what is produced and exchanged – only that money is made, and that we can only survive by all competing with each other; with our neighbours and friends around us; with our fellow countryfolk and with our brothers and sisters in other lands.

We reject wholeheartedly the claims of bullies in suits and uniforms that harmony amongst human beings can only be maintained by force.

We are frightened and worried by the horrifying thought that these are the people being allowed to make decisions about the running of our collective affairs.

We are inspired by our own and others’ experiences to believe that people coming together collectively with mutual respect and a willingness to work together can run their own affairs very effectively without the need for any rulers, leaders, hierarchy or excessive bureaucracy.

We are convinced from simple observation that those who set themselves up as the leaders of the people of this land do so for their own benefit, not for the benefit of those they claim to lead.

We refuse to accept their outrageous claims.

We refuse to put up with their attempts to enforce their perverse and life-denying ways upon us.

We refuse to be their obedient subjects.

We are in revolt

Zion Train

March 96

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Events : my website gallery

I introduce you to a variety of events. I am interested in festivals, music, community and multi-cultural events. In this set I show something of the Asian Mela, Chinese New Year, Sikh Vaisakhi, St Patricks’ Day, St. Georges’ Day, Mexican Day of the Dead and a Malaysian Festival in Nottingham. All in colourful national dress. Light-night in Nottingham shows a variety of lighting installations, music, theatre and stages.


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Twenty years of photographing Pride Festival with photojournalist Alan Lodge

Photos: Alan Lodge

Interview: Sophie Gargett

Monday 2 July 2024

reading time: 3 min, 572 words


Originating from a free festival and traveller background, Alan Lodge has worked as a photographer for over fifty years, with a particular special interest in ‘alternative’ lifestyles and subcultures. Having covered Pride events for several decades, we thought we’d share some of his best images and ask him a few questions about life behind the lens

040724 111
190907 D300s 186
050723 194
230729 Z9 0139
190727 D300s 097
090725 D70 028
230729 Z9 0353
230729 Z9 0670
230729 Z9 0069
240123 Z9 0003
Copy Of 190727 D300s 097
090725 D70 006
090725 D70 690

Tell us a bit about yourself and your work as a photographer

I am a photographer dealing with aspects of ‘alternative’ lifestyles and subcultures, photographing many free and commercial events, ‘free party’ events (‘rave culture’), environment protest, land rights with surrounding social concerns. I aim to present a more positive view of people and communities that are frequently misrepresented. I also cover political actions, concerns about civil rights and protest involving policing operations, especially in relation to surveillance.

A graduate of Nottingham Trent University with a BA degree in Photography, I specialise in issues surrounding representation, both in print and audio-visual format. I completed an MA in Photography, also at NTU, and have recently been presenting an exhibition of large-scale work at the Bonington Gallery there.

How long have you been photographing Pride and what does it mean to you?

This set of photographs covers twenty years back to 2003. However, I had been photographing Pride events for years before digital photography, thus previous events covered will have been on black and white negative stock. Pride is clearly a gathering not only designed for fun but to highlight issues around the civil rights of the individual.

You seem to get into the thick of things and interact with the groups you photograph. How does this differ from being an observer on the sidelines?

I started in photography to counter much of what a ‘press photographer’ would see, having just parachuted into any situation. You have to spend time with people to better understand who they are and what interests them. This lets you see more honestly people’s behaviours with each other. I generally can’t stand posing people for a photo. If you miss a more natural shot, with a little anticipation sometimes you get a second chance.

Do you think Pride successfully continues to be a civil rights protest and a celebration while also increasingly adopted by commercial enterprises?

I have attended Pride events in Manchester, Brighton, London, Derby and Nottingham. As with any events, in the UK we have some quite strict laws and regulations on entertainment: notifying police, local authority licensing, insurance, booking acts, etcetera. It all costs money to put on even modest community events. Hence, they have to work within a budget and the money raised somehow. However, the commercial entities that sponsor events can sometimes overwhelm the contribution by smaller grassroots groups. I do sometimes wonder, for their contributions, if some companies [and authorities] might be engaged in pink-washing. It can drown out the central message of these events in standing up for individual freedoms and their civil rights. Prejudice still exists in wider society. Issues need to continue to be highlighted and stood up for.



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Stop Rwanda, Solidarity Protest, Nottingham

Stop Rwanda, Solidarity Protest, Market Square, Nottingham

Samsung S24 Ultra – 4K Video 3840 x2160 #rwanda #rally #protest #nottingham #samsung #s24ultra

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Facebook Pix : Stop Rwanda, Solidarity Protest, Nottingham


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Couch Surfing At Its Finest

Yeah, this is the first activity that comes to my mind when I realize I have a truck, a camera, rope and a spare couch. These guys are having a great weekend on the farm!

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Ukraine Protest Rally, Nottingham June 2024. A slideshow

Ukraine Protest Rally, Nottingham June 2024. A slideshow

#ukraine #rally #protest #nottingham #photography #nikon #Z9

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