SchNEWS at Ten Tour – coming to a town near you?

As part of their 10th birthday celebrations some of the SchNEWS crew are hitting the road again! Does anyone remember the SchLIVE tour of 1996? (See

It’ll be nothing like that anyway…

After a hugely inspiring night in Southampton in February we’ve decided to go all out and do a 21 stop tour! We’ll be showing some short films, talking about SchNEWS and getting your message across, about the G8 coming to Britain next year (preferrably with someone from a local Dissent! network associated group), and giving local groups a forum to talk about what they’re up to. We’ll be starting with Bath on the 10th of April and ending in Ipswich on May Day

The whole gig, is passing through Nottingham on Thursday 29th April

Nottingham Sumac Centre, 245 Gladstone Street, Nottingham NG7 6HX 8.30pm Tel. 0845 458 9595

Not sure what I’m doing yet, but think it may be a photo exhibition of my surveillance work.

For a sneek preview, check my pages at:

all will give a ‘flavour’ of what I’m about here …….

We’ve made some contact with someone in each of the towns, but we need more people to get involved with sorting out venues, publicity and somewhere for us to sleep. We’ve got all the equipment we need, projector and stuff, we just need somewhere to do it, and people to turn up… Southampton worked so well because there was a group or people really up for making the night a success. Are you up for doing the same in your home town?

If you’re interested in sorting any of this out, or if you’re part of a Dissent! group in, or near any of those places and are up for talking then please mail us at including the name of your town in the subject. Now that we’re on the road it will be easier to contact us on the mobile – 07989 972738

SchNEWS, PO Box 2600, Brighton, BN2 2DX, England

Phone/Fax: +44 (0)1273 685913


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