ID Cards :: active resistance

Defy-ID is an adhoc network of groups and individuals prepared for active resistance to increasing surveillance and the introduction of identity or ‘entitlement’ cards in the UK.

The Home Secretary, Britain’s biggest serial threat to freedom, David Blunkett is now set to foist identity cards on the UK public under the cloak of dealing with terrorism, illegal immigration and benefit fraud. The Home Office has published its draft ID Card Bill.

and ….

Resisting Identity Cards Gathering, 11/9/04

A gathering to organise resistance to the Government’s plans to introduce identity cards and a national population database is taking place in Manchester in September. With ID cards firmly on the cards, and iris scans and a national population database just around the corner, it’s time to get moving for those of us who believe we need to resist these scary and dangerous developments.

A gathering to organise resistance to the Government’s plans to introduce identity cards and a national population database is taking place in Manchester on September 11th 2004.

With ID cards firmly on the cards, and iris scans and a national population database just around the corner, it’s time to get moving for those of us who believe we need to resist these scary and dangerous developments. It is not only the biggest clampdown on our civil liberties we have seen in many years, but is a step towards an Orwellian future where the state constantly monitors the population.

There are individuals, groups and networks all over the country who oppose Blunkett’s plans for ID cards and national population database, some of whom have already started their campaigning. This planning meeting aims to bring together people opposed to the introduction of ID cards to discuss how we can work together in our resistance to the encroaching big brother state.

We will have an update on the current situation with regards to Blunkett’s plans, including trial areas, current technology, and potential corporations involved. There will also be an update on existing campaigns and groups active in opposition to ID cards. After lunch we will have space to suggest and discuss ideas for resistance, potential actions, and how we can move forward as a network.

The gathering will be free but we will be asking for donations to cover the cost of the room. We will not be providing lunch, to keep costs and organisation to a minimum.

This gathering, organised by Defy-ID is open to everyone interested in or involved in opposition to ID cards.

Please email or phone 07980 291478 for details of the venue (so we can keep track on numbers), or for more information.

I had actually taken part in the Home Office trial, last month. I think it is still taking place. I made an earlier entry on my blog about this at:

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