
With the commencement of the Hunting Act 2004, this week, the League Against Cruel Sports, Huntwatch, Hunt Sabs and others, ask people to be on the look-out for such illegal activities. Further, and most importantly, to gather evidence of a suitable standard to help gain a prosecution.

Please email them if you can help with any of the following activities:

If you want to attend an ‘introduction day’ to hunt monitoring.
If you see or hear anything that you think might be relevant and useful. If you have them, please send us details of where hunts are meeting. You might find this information by looking in local post offices and shops where hunts will sometimes advertise their meets. You could also phone your local hunt to find out where they are meeting.

Please see “Masters of Foxhounds Association” where you will find a list of hunts with contact details.

If you can help donate equipment such as video cameras (even if they are old-fashioned ones), camcorder batteries and tapes, handheld GPS, mobile phones, walkie talkies, compasses, binoculars, or small audio cassette recorders. Anything donated could be passed on to monitors who might need it.

Please send them news cuttings from your local papers with information about the hunt which will help us to piece together their movements and intentions.

Spread the word about the programme and the other ways in which people can help and encourage others to join us.

eMail at:

The Law: Hunting Act 2004:

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