Just checking …….

My additions to the blog have been more than erratic this last year. I know!

Much of my photography has recently been added to the Indymedia network, and since starting, Nottingham Indymedia http://nottinghamshire.indymedia.org.uk I have prepared a ‘collected posts’ page at:


Please check ’em out to see what I’ve been up to lately ….

However, my other excuse is that on migrating this blog from old to the new google service, I lost all my archive links. The help dept were of no use at all. Months went by while I asked various technical people, and still no luck.

So, with a few spare hours just now, I have solved it myself. [more by luck, than judgement] , but hey, IT WORKS again.

So, this post is to explain to anyone out there, and to test posting to the blog again.

However did people manage without the interweb and it difficulties …….

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