Stop the Climate – Wrecking at Bali

Climate negotiations in Bali are in crisis. Things were looking good till now: near-consensus on a delicate deal, including 2020 targets for rich countries, in return for which China and the developing world would do their part over time. IPCC scientists say such targets are needed to prevent catastrophe. But Japan, the US and Canada are banding together to wreck the deal, and the rest of the world is starting to waver…

STOP PRESS Talks are deadlocked, running over into Saturday. There’s still time. We can’t let three stubborn governments throw away the planet’s future. Please sign our emergency global petition below: we’re delivering it through stunts at the summit, a full-page ad in the Jakarta Post read by all the delegates (below, right), directly to negotiators to stiffen their nerve against any bad compromise. Add your name to the campaign now!

“We call urgently for the US, Canada and Japan to stop blocking serious 2020 targets for emissions reductions, and for the rest of the world to refuse to accept anything less.”

Sign the Petition :: Please go to –

Climate Wake Up Call


I just signed an emergency petition trying to  save the crucial climate change talks in Bali, Indonesia right now by telling the US, Canada and Japan to stop blocking an agreement. You can sign it here:

Talks are deadlocked, and running into the weekend. Almost all countries have agreed to cut rich country carbon emissions by 2020–which scientists say is crucial to stop catastrophic global warming, and will also help bring China and the developing world onboard. But with just 24 hours left, the US and its close allies Canada and Japan have rejected any mention of such cuts.

We can’t let three governments hold the world hostage and block agreement on this desperate issue.

There’s still 24 hours left to turn this around –  click below to sign the petition – it will be delivered direct to summit delegates, through stunts and in media advertisements, so our voices will actually be heard. But we need a lot of us, fast, to join in if we’re going to make a difference. Just click on the link to add your name:


 KutaBeach Bali, Indonesia 

600 people participate in a human banner message on Kuta beach in Bali, Indonesia organised by NGOs including Greenpeace and Global Green with aerial artist John Quigley. The two messages read ‘ACT NOW’ and ’11th HOUR’. The image of the world being washed away by climate change, with the words ACT NOW! is a message to the UN climate talks as they enter their critical second week.

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