Government Office, East Midland (East Midlands)
Events in 5 cities
The East Midlands is responsible for the equivalent of 47 million tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions every year and could see some of the most substantial climate changes in England over forthcoming decades. Regional action is important in translating national priorities and in catalysing and supporting action at the local level.
A consultation document Towards a Climate Change Programme of Action for the East Midlands was published on 16th October 2007 by East Midlands Regional Assembly and is open for consultation until 21st December. This document outlines some emerging priorities that have been determined by early discussions and reviews of evidence and existing plans. The aim is to test these through the consultation process, to identify any gaps and develop more detailed action proposals. The Programme of Action itself will be drawn up in the light of this consultation and launched in early 2008.
Contributions to this regional debate on climate change are welcome from all interested organisations and individuals. Comments can be sent via the details below, or made in person at one of the consultation events.
Regional Partners Government Office for the East Midlands, Environment Agency, East Midlands Regional Assembly and East Midlands Development Agency have organised ten sessions in five different locations around the region. Each session lasts up to three hours at different times of the day, starting or finishing with lunch/tea to enable networking. These will be workshop style events with lots of time for discussion and interaction and are co-hosted with local climate change groups and partnerships.
Fri 7th December Northampton Park Inn, 10-1pm and 2-5pm
Mon 10th December Derby CVS, 10-1pm and 2-5pm
Tues 11th December Lincoln Drill Hall, 10-1pm and 2-5pm
Wed 12th December Nottingham GOEM offices, 2-5pm and Mechanics 7-9.30pm
Thur 13th December Leicester City Rooms, 10-1pm and 2-5pm
People from the public, private, voluntary and community sectors are welcome to attend and participate in the debate, especially if you are involved in regional activities in some way.
If you want to take part please email to reserve a place. Please identify which session you wish to attend and whether you would like lunch (or tea for the evening session). You will be sent confirmation of the date, time, venue and directions accordingly. All details are online at this address for reference:
If you have any other questions about the events, please call 01664 502582.
Mike Peverill, Regional Climate Change Co-ordinator said “We are looking forward to a week of intense debate about one of the most challenging issues of our time. I hope that you will come and see what the partnership is doing and add your ideas as well.”
Further background information is available at the web address above, including the consultation document which can be downloaded directly here:
For any further questions relating to the consultation process please call 07795 060 941.
Notes to Editors
The Assembly
1 The East Midlands Regional Assembly is one of eight in England outside of London. It was launched in 1999 and comprises 111 Members, with 2/3 being representatives of all the regions Local Authorities including the Peak National Park, and 1/3 nominations from the wider social, environmental and business community.
2 The Regional Assembly has three main roles:
Scrutiny of the East Midlands Development Agency (emda)
Co-ordination and integration of regional policies
Acting as the regional planning and housing body
3 The Regional Assembly has three Regional Boards that focus on key issues of East Midlands’ life: Regional Scrutiny Board; Regional Housing, Planning & Transport Joint Board and Regional Communities and Policy Board. These boards are supported by the Housing, Environment, Transport, Public Health and Promoting Sustainable Development groups.
Jon Whowell, Policy Advisor Communications East Midlands Regional Assembly
Tel 01664 502 551, Mobile 07887 635749, E-mail