GammaBlaBlog Cyberbuss

Cyberbuss camp will be located at or around 250 Degrees and Abyss.

We plan to set up radio Free Wrybread/Ccyberbuss at 88.3 and play lots of music and noise we plan to introduce the Barnacle – Black rock city’s smallest, simplest and laziest art car.

also there will be plenty of Olympic style games and competitions.

For virtual trippers we plan to be in comunicato via satellite phone with gametone who will post a daily C y b e r sAM One Sentence Summary (and maybe a photo or two) at da gammablog.

You are all welcome to join/camp with uss on da buss



The Cyberbuss promises to strive daily to uplink the Cyberbuss One-Sentence Burning Man Summary of the Day, to the GammaBlaBlog. They are camped by a lake tonight, and arrive tomorrow. But what’s their plan? “No Plan!”

The Cyberbuss goes solar when out on the Playa. They’re able to keeps the music, lights and radio broadcasting going, and still leave enough power in the batteries to start up and go home. All without running the engine to charge their bank of ten batteries, like all the RVs do.

Their camp is made from junkyard finds. That’s how to do it right, in that harsh alkali lake bed. Anything new you bring to this festival will be old by the time the wind, dust and heat, or mud, rain and cold get to your gear. This way, you bring trash with a little life left to it, use it up completely, and then throw it back where it came from. A fairly benign form of consumerism, I think.

This years participants come from:England, Israel, Italy, Germany, Canada, Australia, Colorado, Harbin Hot Springs, San Francisco and Point Arena. I’ve invited them all to send in reports, but will feel lucky if a few KB’s makes it to me now and then. The bandwidth and power needed to keep the uplink is precious, and could just as likely be monopolized by some impromptu concert, radio marathon or art event. And really, once you are there, the last thing in the world you want to deal with is the outside world. But you never know.

It was on that crazy Buss for the 2000 Burn. I am hoping that the state of electronic communications is at a point, that a number of people at Bman will be able to email and upload to their websites. But this is just a guess. News out in past years came mostly from commercial sources. I need to search out some sites that might be providing breaking news and photos from the desert. Not that I expect anything earthshaking. This is just for fun.

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