“In the terror trap” – What are we doing?
A couple of quotes from Timothy Garton Ash article in the Guardian this thursday…… “In the terror trap” Think it very informative, and I commend it to you.
“We’ve given up far to many freedoms
in order to be free”.
John le Carre
[a last epiphany of spymaster George Smiley]
“To make this choice is to accept a risk: more liberty, less security. But the balance in this case is clear.
Erring on the other side, we would sacrifice too much liberty for too little added security.
Put it like this: I would rather take a one in 10,000 chance of being blown up by a terrorist than a one in 10 chance of having my emails read by a spook”.
Timothy Garton Ash
Thursday October 17, 2002