Broadway Gallery Exhibition : A show introducing the Nottingham Green Festival and its history

A show introducing the Nottingham Green Festival and its history. Photography by Alan Lodge and memorabilia. Exhibition will run from Wednesday 28th August to Sunday 1st September 2024

Nottingham Green Festival :: The Arboretum, Sunday, 8th September 2024

Nottingham Green Festival is now in its 31st year and is organised by grass roots community-based volunteers, not-for-profit and with no statutory funding. The ethical standards and sustainability / environmental / human / animal rights ethos of the FREE one-day event are long established, having evolved from the pre-history of Nottingham Peace Festival from which it evolved in the 1980’s.
The event this year will be on Sunday 8th September between 12noon and 6pm, provides the place for everyone to learn, explore and try the latest in everything environmentally friendly and ethical, while having lots of fun in the beautiful setting of the Arboretum Park.
Outdoor entertainment and adult & children’s activities and workshops include stalls from small green businesses, craft workers, community groups, charities, campaigns, artisan food producers and vegan caterers. Stalls share information about domestic energy saving, insulation and reducing carbon emissions. Re-use, repair and recycling are encouraged. Sustainable and energy-saving technologies, transport and information are promoted.
The Green Festival has addressed these issues since the 1991. We organise and prepare for the event throughout the year. Beyond the local and community groups currently involved, in future we hope to include staff, students and societies from our universities and colleges in projects to help educate and inform those attending the event about the urgency of our situation, and offering positive and practical actions that individuals and communities can take.
Please help us if you can. ‘Think globally, act locally’


Exhibition Opening

Wednesday 28 Aug Open from 4pm Opening Event 6pm – 7pm
Thursday 29 Aug 12pm > 7pm
Friday 30 Aug 12pm > 7pm
Saturday 31 Aug 12pm > 7pm

Slideshow announcing 30 Years of the Nottingham Green Festival …. continuing from the ‘Peace Festival’.

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