Channel Five children’s documentary series about young Gypsy/Travellers
I have just been looking at your website and I was wondering if you would be able to help with a search that I am doing for a television series.
I am in the process of searching for young people to feature in a new Channel Five children’s documentary series about young Gypsy/Travellers. The series will form part of Channel Five’s Saturday morning children’s schedule this summer.
This will be a 6 part ‘fly on the wall’ series aimed squarely at the under 16s. Our aim is to highlight a much-misunderstood way of life to an age group who are often very ignorant of the traveller lifestyle, with an emphasis on the fun and light-hearted side of life on the road.
I understand that many travellers may be suspicious of the motives of a television company wishing to film their kids through a summer, so I would really like to meet with any contacts that you may have in mind in order to answer any questions that they may have.
What we are looking for is a group of travelling kids aged between 10 and 18, who would like to be featured in the series, to be filmed intermittently over the course of the spring/summer of this year. They need to be sparky and fairly confident, with strong opinions about life on the road. I will be able to go and see anyone that you may feel would like to participate.
We would of course seek permission from the parents or guardians of anyone under 18 and would consult with them whenever filming was to take place. There would be no turning up unannounced and we would be sensitive to any issues that may concern them.
It would be great if you could provide me with a few contacts or if you prefer, I can go through you.
My details are:
Rupert Dobson
Two Four Productions Ltd
Quay West Studios
Old Newnham
Tel: 01752 333900
Fax: 01752 344224
I look forward to hearing from you with any contacts/advice that you may have.
Kind Regards
Rupert Dobson