Music I’m listening to, just now ….!

In addition to my usual tastes in music. Like: Rock, Folk, House & Trance Tunes. I’ve been listening to quite a lot of Baroque music from the 18th century. I am one of Handel and Bach’s greatest fans. Have been for years, much to the amuzement of friends, but I don’t care what they think!

Listening to Classic FM last week, I got introduced to a Richard Wagner piece. Not really been interested up to now, ‘large ladies singing in opera’, I’ve thought, and I cant stand opera.!!!

HOWEVER, I think the 8min 14sec of this, has got more momentum than an oil tanker. I find it very affecting. Turn your stereo right up and give it a listen, you might do to.

Have made it available on my server from the link, here:

Siegfried’s Death March from Götterdämmerung

It was completed in 1875. Siegfried’s Death March [from Götterdämmerung – Twilight of the gods] was apparently played at Wagner’s own funeral in 1883.

Culture, or what!

[suggestion: I have just checked, on the playing of MP3 files @ 128kbps from a ‘low spec’ computer and it doesn’t load fast enough to keep up with play. So, suggest that if this applies to you, then ‘right click’ mouse, and save to disc first. I could make a lower bitrate mp3 file, for streaming, but a) can’t be fucked, and b). this is a piece of ‘great depth’, so you really do need it at this size] enjoy!

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