Undercurrents meets Saddam

A co-producer of Undercurrents alternative news, Roddy Mansfield helped bag the worlds most exclusive interview. Currently on assigment in Baghdad, Roddy is working for the new Arab TV (ATV) satelite channel.

Writing from the potential war zone Roddys ask the public to-“Check a copy of the Guardian and read story in the media section about how we scooped the world with the interview with Saddam.

ATV who?

With the US and Britain hurtling towards war with Iraq, last week’s TV interview between Tony Benn and Saddam Hussein was a huge coup. So who pulled it off? Not CNN, not the BBC, not even al-Jazeera, but a tiny satellite news channel that had been running for a month. By Roddy Mansfield. Monday February 10, 2003. The Guardian


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