We’re delighted to announce that the NUJ Nottingham Branch will be returning to full monthly meetings from September 2021, following the lifting of most Covid restrictions. But we also have plans to introduce hybrid meetings, whereby people can also participate online.

The first meeting will be on Monday 6th September at the Playwright Pub, Shakepeare Street, Nottingham, starting at 7.30pm. The plan is that we will have at least two laptops in the room, allowing members to join via zoom and follow proceedings.
This is a work in progress and we will be carefully assessing how well things are working, particularly when it comes to ensuring that everyone can be heard. It may not be the best video experience you’ve ever seen – but the idea is to allow the maximum possible participation for those members who don’t wish to attend in person.
For details of the Zoom link, please email the Branch Chair diana.peasey@btinternet.com