Glastonbury Press

The Glastonbury festival drew to a close last night, and the broadsheet journalists all seem to have enjoyed themselves though, ironically, it’s the Telegraph which laments the “embourgeoisiement” of the event, and the Guardian which tends to feel that, really, it was rather nice to have kept out the crime. “Glastonbury might be a bit more commercial than the old days,” one 43-year-old festival-goer tells the paper, “but it’s so much better organised.”

The GBP105 ticket fee may have had something to do with the “overwhelmingly white and middle-class” audience, says the Telegraph. Certainly, when Chelsea Clinton turns up with bodyguards in tow and two attractive young women dressed as fairies appear on the front page of the Telegraph, something’s changed.

Eavis plans for 2004 Glastonbury – BBC

Best ever Glastonbury, says Eavis – Guardian,12902,987498,00.html

A really jolly super Glastonbury – Telegraph

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