Have signed up for another Blog! This one is from CamBlog at: http://www.camblog.com Up to now, I have had to upload a picture to a ‘storage site’ via ftp, either from my phone or pc. I then have to write a short html ‘link’ code for the image to appear within the blog. Although ‘fiddly’, I will still do this, because it offer control of picture size, text etc ….
Now, with CamBlog, I can upload a picture to the site, and it appears instantly, without any coding. A further variation of the service is that you can configure it so that if you upload to the site, via email, it ‘forwards’ the image links to my main blog (this one). While convenient for an instant snap, cannot include text. This has to be posted as another entry. Still, playing with the toys, trying to see what works ……..
TashCamUK http://www.camblog.com/blog.php?blog=239