Boundaries-to Bridges-Tour 2003/2004

Almeria/Spain (October 2003) – St. Louis/Senegal (March 2004)

Boundaries-to Bridges-Tour 2003/2004

The Caravan is aiming for co-operations with different groups from all countries that it will be moving through.

The Caravan will function as a sound system, a circus, a mobile cinema and a stage for theatre and performance. It is constantly open for everyone who wants to participate, no matter if only for a brief time or the whole tour.

The Circus of Madness: The circus is understood as a culture bridging form of communication, where in simple ways without the need of language not just entertainment can be offered, but also important questions be raised. The circus tent will be the circle roof and the central meeting point of the Caravan. Elements will be theatre, acrobatics, music, pantomime etc.

Mobile Cinema: The aim of the mobile cinema is the constant producing and screening of the cultures where the caravan is moving through: impressions, interviews, documentaries and entertainment will be collected at one point and presented at the next. Those interested can learn to use video and film technology.

Free Parties: In the tradition of mobile sound systems there will be free parties at the different stops of the caravan, that will give especially local artists and musicians an opportunity to perform.

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My son Sam, has lived in Orgiva, South of Spain for some years now …

I made an internet site for him at:

Conspiracy SAM Orgiva Site

He is involved with all the above.

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