FreeB.E.A.G.L.E.S legal resource centre for UK political activists

Have discovered this resource to share with you:

They say-

“Welcome to freeB.E.A.G.L.E.S. legal resource centre for UK political activists

Anyone who tries to bring about change for the better is going to come into contact with the law. This is inevitable, but it is nothing to be intimidated by. You have the right to protest and to be heard. In this website we provide materials to introduce you to your legal rights, and to what to expect if you are misfortunate to run into trouble with the law.

It is important to know your rights and to stand up for them to prevent them being taken from you. Often the police and others will use intimidation and ignorance to suppress those who want to change the status quo for the better. By being informed you help yourself and your movement.

This website is created by activists for activists. Though it has a bias towards animal rights activities, it is equally applicable to human rights and environmental activists. If you see any errors, or would like to see anything included, or have links to suggest, please let us know by dropping an email to

There page of relevant article is especially to be checked out:

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