Led by a wagon and horse and Romani musicians, Travellers will march through central London on Saturday, 9 April, calling for an end to evictions.
PLEASE JOIN US by coming to St James’s Church, Piccadilly, at 12 noon for the Commemoration of Roma victims of genocide and ethnic cleansing.
The march will start at approximately 1.30. It will be followed by a public meeting to launch the first-ever Traveller election campaign.
A candidate will be adopted stand against anti-Gypsy Tory MP John Baron, who is leading the campaign to “clear” Dale Farm, the biggest Traveller community in the UK.
Meanwhile, Cliff and Janie Codona have been forced to leave Woodside – having spent four years trying to get planning permission for their caravan park.
More details:
call Grattan Puxon 01206 523528