Think they may want to do the “Battle of the Beanfield” on Radio 4 called “In Living Memory”


Jolyon Jenkins []

BBC Bristol

Fri 19/07/02 14:19


I’m making part of a series for Radio 4 called “In Living Memory” in which we revisit events of the not-too-distant past which have been half forgotten, and ask what the aftermath was. I’ve been wondering about doing something on the travellers’ convoys of 1985-7 and maybe the Battle of the Beanfield in particular. I came across your excellent website.

Could I have a chat with you about it? My phone number is 0117 974 2260

Jolyon Jenkins

Producer, network features


So sorry about this email stuff. It runs faster than I can..!

Have today just sent the tapes you asked for. It turn out, being for the earliest in my collection. That they’re both on the same one.

I forgot to mention our most famous piece we made to describe the situation and the trial I talked about in Winchester, about it all. Its called ‘OPERATION SOLSTICE’. That being the name of the police operation that lead to the Beanfield. Also full of my still work, shame your doing a radio show J

I find it interesting the when we made operation solstice that it was remarked that a lot of news footage of the field on the day, simply ‘went missing’ . Kim Sabido went into all this on the solstice tape. Now, there you are looking for ‘broadcast footage’ , this time, and that’s gone missing also!

Is it paranoia to wonder if someone is trying to re-paint history.?

Anyway, I know you’ve read some of this, but just making sure.

The story so far history in context &

summary of beanfield bit

My ‘cell notes’

diary I kept of my operations later year

Photo-gallery of the day in field

Assorted legal hassle, [for context]


Jolyon Jenkins []

BBC Bristol

Mon 22/07/02 15:16

Thanks for your help on the phone this morning. If you could lend me copies

of Open Space and the Channel 4 prog I’d be grateful. My address is: BBC,

Room 1.16, 27/29 Whiteladies Road, Bristol BS8 2LR and my phone is 0117 942


If you can think of anyone else invovled in those events we could interview

that would be great

Jolyon Jenknis


TO: Jolyon Jenkins BBC, Room 1.16,

27/29 Whiteladies Road, Bristol, BS8 2LR

Tuesday, 23 July 2002


By the time you get this, hope you’ll have received my email with the appropriate links for my site. Hope they offer enough background for your needs.

Thanks for your interest on the subject.

I was present at a small gathering in the car park, at Stonehenge, one morning, after a short session in the stones couple of years ago. When I over heard a conversation between some ‘young’ hippies!. and Inspector Hill. Oh well, he says “you don’t want to believe everything you hear about it, it was as bad as all that!”. I had to stop what I was doing, approached hi, and said “Bloody Heck!, is that what you’ve been telling them all these years”. He looked at me, and then sparkles of recognition dawned on him. “Good lord, Mr Lodge, hello!” and looked very sheepish. I said hello, and shook his hand, as offered. History being re-written in right in front of me. Remarkable after you see the videos, because he was a ‘line commander’ on the day, and knew full well what it was like.

Anyway, find TWO videotapes. One has “Trashed” as the first program, about 30 mins.. See the label, 3 July 1985, with the other ‘missing footage’, isn’t it interesting you cant find it either!!. “May the Force be with you” is three part show. We feature in all bits, in context, but out main description is about 1:30 into the tape.

Return by secure post, and hope you find them useful.


Alan Lodge

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