I have discovered a ‘space’ on the BBC website, where they are developing a community of folks that can contribute to a discussion of issues of concern

It’s called DNA 360 and it’s at :> http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/360/360/

and their pre-ample says this:


Welcome to 360 Answers to world problems, provided by you

360 is the BBC’s community-based, positive news website that features your solutions to world problems. It is written, edited and directed by you – the BBC provides the forum and the possibility that BBC television and radio will take up your ideas.

360 seeks positive news stories about the four key world problems identified by the United Nations as priorities for a civilised world:

The Environment – Poverty – Preventable Disease – Conflict

These problems will only be solved by grass-roots action – no idea, project or solution is too small to feature on 360. Whatever your project, we want to hear about it.


seem right up our street, I thought……………..

It has an audience of many thousand, being a mainstream site, it is perhaps a rare opportunity to put and exchange info in front the general public, rather than ‘just’ us; enviros, activists, squatters, party-persons, festivalers, travellers, and general no-goods what already know!

How about giving it a go, and chiming in with me?


I’ve banged in, several shed-loads that you can see at the following links:

BBC 360 – Personal Space – Tash


BBC 360 – Tash’s Articles


I’d written sommat I’d called “On being watched -for having concerns for the planet”, and seems to have caused the most waves of the piece I’ve put in. ………..

it’s at :> http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/360/360/A771996


SchNews watchers with notice it’s much the same piece that I’d originally produced for the SchNews book, a couple of years ago. I was concerned about it all then and remain so now.

The work ended up ‘wining a Winny!’ [in fact, A ‘Winston’ – after Winston Smith out ‘1984’. the Privacy International – ‘Big Brother’ award for folks shining lights in dark corners on surveillance issues. ]

Needless to say, folks are not believing some of the issues I’m trying to raise. I exaggerate when I say you can get a video camera poked in your face, for mealy attending a protest, party, action etc. Then of cause the usual, “well if you’ve nothing to hide, you’ve nothing to fear……!” Yea Right!

A lot has happened in the last few years since writing it. Street surveillance up zillions of percent. More police ‘evidence gather’ photography, resulting in higher arrests, and the last cart-load of internet and commutations law in the shape of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers (Communications Data Additional Public Authorities) Order 2002.

The latest scary instalment of this story may be seen at :> http://news.zdnet.co.uk/story/0,,t269-s2118894,00.html so its already worst than I’ve told ’em. I know I need to do chapter 2 !!


So, what I’m getting round to, is that many folks reading this will know from some personal experience what it’s like for them. If your inclined, will you look at some of what I’ve put up, and comment, agreeing or no. Because I’m outnumbered.

Also, and mainly, can you put up your own stuff on their site, to ‘balance’ the community there. Since, in the ‘pre-amble’ what they say they’re doing, and what the site is for, I reckon we’re doing.

Take a look and see what you think, seems a useful opportunity to me.

My posting about the BBC site, also here on yahoo groups.

guilfin Group


Feeling of Life Group


Guil-Fin Thread http://groups.yahoo.com/group/guilfin/messages/15624

Feeling of Life http://groups.yahoo.com/group/fol-network/messages/148

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