FIT recent operations and Links

After yet another encounter with police surveillance operations and the FIT team at the Heckler & Koch weapons manufacturers HQ.  I had taken more photos of them and made another Indymedia posting about it all. As usual, the comments present us with more heat then light.

FIT are beyond the evidence gathering we have all come to know.  There is an intimidatory component to their activities. Protestors, Football Fans, Animal Rights activists, Travellers and Festival attendees have know this for years. The NUJ and journalist are the latest group to be added to be targeted by these folks. These links give you some of this progress:

NUJ Freelance Apr08 FIT snappers snap snappers

Jeremy Dear, Gen Sec NUJ – FIT for purpose

BBC NEWS  UK  Police ‘spying’ powers challenged

British Journal of Photography – Excuse me, officer …

police surveillance of journalists  marc vallée  blog

New Statesman: Is this what a police state looks like?

Current TV [Google Channel] You Can’t Picture This, Oh yes you can!

Police in court over pictures at arms protest  Politics  The Observer
If it is accepted that police are supposed to investigate and prevent crime ….. then the filming of lawful activity by police, might be considered oppressive.  [the point!] and perhaps illegal.

However, this example from the US, and the way the law worked for them, should give some heart to how the UK citizens, might try and establish similar principles. Please check out the main link and watch the video interview about the judgement outlawing ‘blanket’ police surveillance. 

Democracy Now: NYPD Spy Tactics Exposed [February 19, 2007]
[Video Interview on the issue]

Local Surveillance examples: [so much more, this is just a sample]
Nottingham Surveillance at Demo at Heckler & Koch weapons manufacturers HQ

Fossil Fools Blockade E.On Offices Surveillance and Specialist Equipment

Prime Minister visits Nottingham University :: Surveillance Operations

Surveillance of Nottingham city centre


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