Simon Hogsberg Street Photographer

There is a long tradition of ‘street photography’. Many motives of the photographers, from style, to human emotions. Descriptions of us as animals, with our traits and interactions.

But, if you want a study of total alienation of city life, then I think that you need look no further than this chap! I think the work really scary, and provocative.

Pictures of pedestrians at Marble Arch. London

Photographs shown on his site have all been taken within the confined space of a 30 metres long strip of sidewalk on Edgeware Road, Marble Arch, London.

All images are taken over a period of one year from early Summer, 2001 to late Spring, 2002 and apart from the portraits taken during the summer period, all pictures are taken from the same spot 3 meters from the corner of Edgware Road and Oxford Street.

None of the photographs had been set up but are all snapshots of pedestrians who happened to walk into the field of view.

Ther’s a story about a newspaper that printed a photo of a crowd of people starring towards the lens of a camera, with fear, sadness and apparent horror in their faces. The caption asked what are they looking at.

Nothing much it turned out. they were just commuters waiting for the lights to change on their way to work. Simons work shows us that those expressions are universal.

Scary eh?

I can’t tell you how fundamentally, I hate London. This is why.

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