So, it worked. Yippie !!
The picture in the previous post, was taken, using my P800. I had passed an interesting subject on the street, taken the picture, and uploaded the ‘raw’ image from right there, on the street.
Although the image taken, is only 640×480, this is a wonderful facility, and as you can see, is quite acceptable for web-display.
So, now I’ve got home, I can edit, and ‘polish it’ at my convenience. On this occasion though, for comparison, I have re-edited it and put both versions up.
Also, I’d sent the image to a couple of folks by email. The main reason people want ‘picture-phone’ is to be able to send an image and perhaps a clip of sound, to another mobile device. Such a message is called picture messaging MMS. The image quality and size, when viewed from a phone though, is not quite so impressive.
Now, I’ve got to practise all this in a riot 🙂
A ‘proper’ digital journalist has been able to do this for a while now. To take a picture on film and scan, or to take a digital image in the first place. Then, using a laptop computer to scan, and polish the image, then, to use a mobile phone and data card, to wire it back to base. This method is all quite expensive, but does maintain quality of image for other uses, printing etc ….
However, using the Sony Ericsson P800 to take a picture, and have it viewable on the internet, immediately, is a most interesting step forward. Especially, without having to lug the kit I’ve just described about. My existing camera bag is quite heavy enough!
Watch this space …….!
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