Tag Archives: beanfield

“Battle of the Beanfield” : you cant kill the spirit!

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Revisited the Beanfield : 16 May 2024

Revisited the Beanfield last week.  TV company wanted to do an interview about it all, the terrors of the afternoon and the implications for us all since. Facebook Pix : https://tinyurl.com/2bcwgwd4 Before meeting them, I insisted that they watched our … Continue reading

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Archaeological Dig

Strangely enough was talking to my son Sam Poole yesterday ….. saying I went back to the Beanfield a couple of years after events. In the hedgerow scraping about a bit, you could find bits of glass, metal and rubber. Got to … Continue reading

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‘Photoshoot’ for the front cover of Festival Eye 1986

Annoying my son to get him to pose, with aggression 🙂 This issue of Festival Eye was the first after the police action at the event that became known as the ‘Battle of the Beanfield‘ when 1600 police officers attacked … Continue reading

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Revisiting the site of the ‘Battle of the Beanfield’ July 1985

Google map: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.1921722,-1.6660082,1337m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu At a meeting of the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO), in early 1985,  it was resolved to obtain a High Court Injunction preventing the annual gathering at Stonehenge. This was the device to be used to … Continue reading

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Battle of the Beanfield : Location

Google Map https://www.google.com/maps/@51.1921722,-1.6660082,1296m/data=!3m1!1e3?entry=ttu as was then….. as is now …..

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Beanfield : Police exposed film

This is the story of the police action at the ‘Battle of the Beanfield’. The attack on ‘The Convoy’ on the way to the Stonehenge Free Festival on the 1st June 1985. Below is the picture of the exposed film, … Continue reading

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Hatred of Dissent: Reviewing Four Decades of Repressive Tory Laws on the 38th Anniversary of the Battle of the Beanfield – Andy Worthington

38 years ago, on June 1, 1985, a convoy of vehicles carrying what the photographer Alan Lodge described as “a small, mild mannered bunch of people” — around 550 men, women and children, generally described at the time as New … Continue reading

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Tash on festivals, free party, rave, Castlemorton, Stonehenge, Beanfield etc etc … and so on…. DJ Mag

Castlemorton 1992: photographing the illegal rave that changed UK dance music forever This week marks the 30th anniversary of the biggest and the most infamous illegal rave that ever took place: Castlemorton – a week-long, 20,000-person party deemed so anarchistic … Continue reading

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Battle of the Beanfield : 1st June 1985

The Stonehenge Free Festival had been held at the Summer Solstice since 1974. However at 1977 event, numbers suddenly increased and this became the Annual People’s Festival. Since then, the numbers involved doubled each successive year. ‘Free Festivals’ developed. People … Continue reading

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